New Witherby's Editions


New edition is available now:

Biofouling, Biosecurity and Hull Cleaning 

Biofouling, Biosecurity and Hull Cleaning

2nd Edition, BIMCO, ICS, Witherby
This fully illustrated publication describes in detail the problems that biofouling can cause to ship operations and the marine environment. It examines the use of anti-fouling systems to prevent the build-up of biofouling as well as the options available for ship cleaning, in particular the importance of in-water cleaning. It also sets out the revised 2023 IMO Biofouling Guidelines, specific regional mandatory biofouling requirements and the mandatory IMO AFS Convention. It also provides data sheets on a number of hull cleaning companies worldwide.

The future title to pre-order (December, 2024)

General rules for Tankers - USA


2025 Edition
General Rules for Tankers, Owned or Operating in the USA, 2025 Edition, is edited and compiled from over 15,000 pages of regulations directly related to shipping, contained in the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). These are the codification of the general and permanent rules of the U.S. Federal Government, which in their entirety number over 200,000 pages of information.

Digital editions (eBooks) to access with Witherby Connect licence (Browser based eReader) 
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