New Editions of IMO, Witherbys, Nautical Institute


New Maritime Editions

ECDIS Procedures Guide - 2024-2025 Edition

ECDIS Procedures Guide 2024-25

Physical Book or Witherby Connect licence (Browser based eReader)
The 2024-2025 Guide has been updated to reflect development of the '6th Generation' of ECDIS. This new generation demonstrates use of AI in navigation, with automatic COLREG recommendations now integrated into the software. Dynamic squat and automatic UKC tools have also been added, with new routeing charts integrated to make AI generated route calculations more fuel efficient for ships. While there are many advantages to these technological advances, the Guide also outlines potential problems and procedures for best practice.
Volume 2 is entirely online and features and Quick Reference Guides for the leading ECDIS manufacturers. It also includes familiarisation checklists and key menu functions to be aware of when operating specific systems.

Reeds Nautical Almanac 2025

Reeds Nautical Almanac 2025

Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing
Perrin Towler (Author) , Simon Jollands (Author)
The indispensable trusted annual compendium of navigational data for yachtsmen and motorboaters.
Known as the Yachtsman's Bible, Reeds provides all the information required to navigate Atlantic coastal waters around the whole of the UK, Ireland, Channel Islands and the entire European coastline from the tip of Denmark right down to Gibraltar, Northern Morocco, the Azores and Madeira.
The 2025 Almanac continues the tradition of year on year improvement and meticulous presentation of all the data required for safe navigation. Now with an improved layout for easier reference and with over 45,000 annual changes, it is regarded as the bible of almanacs for anyone going to sea.
The 2025 edition is updated throughout and includes: 700 harbour chartlets; tide tables and tidal streams; buoyage and lights; 7,500 waypoints; invaluable passage notes; distance tables; radio, weather and safety information; first aid section. The print version includes: International codes and flags, Mayday and distress procedures, and Documentation and Customs. Also: a free Marina Guide.
Free supplements of up-to-date navigation changes from January to June at website.
Full colour harbour charts and diagrams throughout

A Simulation Instructor's Handbook - 2nd Edition, Nautical Institute

Simulation Instructor

Use of simulators in maritime education and training
The role of the simulation instructor
How to plan and run a simulation exercise
Assessments and evaluation methods
The use of simulators in adult learning continues to grow in scope and popularity. The effective use of simulation with focused learning objectives offers participants the chance to develop their skills and widen their knowledge in situations that replicate reality within a safe environment.
This updated and expanded handbook, complementary to IMO model course 6.10, is aimed at anyone involved in using simulators in an adult learning environment. It looks at the theory behind adult learning and the use of simulators in training programmes, guiding instructors through setting up, running and evaluating a successful simulation exercise. The handbook’s concise language, illustrative diagrams and helpful checklists make it a must-have publication for any simulation instructor.

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