New Editions of IMO, Witherby, ICS
New editions for maritime safety are available to order and pre-order:
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Guide to IMO Regulatory Compliance

eBook and Paper
OTH 040-EB / OTH 040
ICS, Witherby
This new edition provides a comprehensive overview of all of these complex regulations in one place, guiding readers through compliance with the 2021 amendments to MARPOL Annex VI, the revised 2023 IMO GHG Strategy and the EU’s new Emissions Trading System (EU ETS).
This new edition provides a comprehensive overview of all of these complex regulations in one place, guiding readers through compliance with the 2021 amendments to MARPOL Annex VI, the revised 2023 IMO GHG Strategy and the EU’s new Emissions Trading System (EU ETS).
Underwater Radiated Noise Guide

eBook and Paper
WITH 911 / WITH 911-EB
This ICS/BIMCO guide enables shipping companies to align with the IMO’s 2023 underwater radiated noise guidelines and help preserve marine life. It explains sources of underwater radiated noise from ships, the strong synergies between underwater radiated noise reduction and energy efficiency and the opportunities for co-benefit and more.
New Regulations – Ballast Water record book
On 01 February 2025, the Ballast Water Record Books (BWRB) regulations will change the format and introduce new requirements for electronic BWRBs. Please be advised that MEPC.369 (80) and BWM.2/Circ.80 are the first to be modified. All publishers are updating their Ballast Water Record Books to remain fully compliant with these new regulations, and this is due to be completed by January 2025, or earlier.
On 01 February 2025, the Ballast Water Record Books (BWRB) regulations will change the format and introduce new requirements for electronic BWRBs. Please be advised that MEPC.369 (80) and BWM.2/Circ.80 are the first to be modified. All publishers are updating their Ballast Water Record Books to remain fully compliant with these new regulations, and this is due to be completed by January 2025, or earlier.