The recommendations on working with ADMIRALTY Digital Catalog

How to select the ENC units? The recommendations on working with catalog.


A quick guide for taking ENCs cells from ADMIRALTY Digital Catalog


There are two ways to make a list of required charts: you can plot a route and select the charts, or add the charts individually.

Follow the simple procedure:


1) Run the program

2) Click on the Admiralty Vector Chart Service tab at the bottom

3) Click ENC units

4) Select particular charts* with the button on the top tab, on the right - a red rectangle

5) In the Basket column, click "add" -  next to the required charts

6) Save the order in txt format and send us by email:


* During the passage planning, it is convenient to use the "plot a route" option, instead of selecting individual cells (point 4). After setting the route, double-click and add it to the basket (click Route - Route to basket).

In case of an error, to change the leg (part of the route), right-click once and move the point of the route to the desired location.

More detailed instruction: Support - Download The ADC user Guide (15 mb).

The route may be set directly in ECDIS - you can also send us the order file (basket) and the ECDIS data.


If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to contact our support team. Our experts are ready to give any explanations. 


E-Data LLC: +7 (812) 6177932,

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